What will you do when 911 is down?
About Hubs: A Village Hub is a designated local gathering place where trained volunteers use simple proven systems (like whiteboards, paper, and human messengers) for assessing what is going on and connecting needs to local solutions after a disaster. Hubs complement and support Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs set up by local governments.
Hubs have a system for working with the continuous flow of questions, new information, and offers of help that residents have during disasters. This allows CERTs to focus on their missions.
The Hub concept was pioneered by volunteers in Seattle where they call them Emergency Communication Hubs. Video at right provides a 9-minute intro to their system; in the bottom video Certain Together founder David Smathers Moore teaches a segment on information management.
Certain Together's training and organizational resources support volunteers interested in creating Village Hubs in their neighborhoods.
Online Quick Course is self-paced and provide an introduction to Hub concepts and operations. It takes an hour or two to finish.
Hub Practice Course features a hands-on experience actually running a Hub.